Sunday, 24 November 2013

First SPS fragging

Accidental fragging aside, I have performed a fragging of the Fiji Turqouise birdsnest. I had to do so as the Maxima had adjusted itself into the position where its mantle touches the branch(which was fragged). Had tried to move the Maxima away several times but it kept moving back. Had observed that the mantle will retract whenever it touches the birdsnest polyps. I was worried the clam gets stung. 

The red circle indicates the point it was seperated from the mother colony. The orange arrow indicates the point the mantle of the clam that retracts. 

The tools used. Was bit messy. 

Waiting for the glue to dry. 

Frag returned to the display tank. 

Majority of the polyps had extended. Some mucus is observed. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Updates on growth

find great satisfaction observing growth and color of these amazing organism. However, nothing beats the warm of my family. Together, it makes tough time easier to get over. 

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Video updates - top view

True colors from top view since the tank is NOT crystal glass.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Tridacna Crocea

Hope this new clam may survive. 

Day 0

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Latest SPS addition

Really love SPS. 

Radioactive birdnest

Acropora Hyacinthus

Purple valida 

Millepora (pink & green)

Red dragon

Acropora (green polyp)

Millepora (purple/pink with blue polyp)

Peppermint monti 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

DIY Surface camera float

Got this (Jelly Tray) from "Japan Home" to use as a float for my camera phone to shoot the video.

Video Update

Friday, 8 November 2013

DIY Frag Rack

Things you need
1. Glue
2. Scissors
3. Magnet scrubber/cleaner
4. Egg crate
5. Cable tie

End product

Monday, 4 November 2013


I am beginning to realized that I am pursuing the wrong objectives in this hobby. Instead of enjoying the process I am heartened or worried by the unknowns encountered. I am trying to have a perfect tank. Every little thing triggers me off into a worrisome state of mind for the pursue of perfection. Not being able to accept hiccups. Eventually affecting my mood and behavior. I take this opportunity to remind myself that nothing is perfect and there are always lessons to be learnt. Take things positively. The key is to enjoy the process regardless the outcome. As long as you have done your best and not give up, success will be waiting at the end of the journey. 

Good luck & good night!

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Colour difference due to tank (glass)

Front view (through the tank glass)

Top view (directly through the water)