Sunday, 28 July 2013

Protein skimmer replacement and Sump revamp

Replaced my skimmer with the Skimz SM 121.

Revamped Sump.

Revamped Sump Top.

Lots of micro bubble created. (break-in period)

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Reefing - pleasure and satisfaction beyond words

Since starting this hobby (reefing), I have invested much of my time, effort and $$$. I have my fair share of disappointment and anguish when I lost some of my live stocks. (especially when they don't even make it pass a few hours)

On the other hand, the sight of a healthy thriving reef provides the sense of satisfaction and immense pleasure that keeps me going day after day. I realized I can just sit before the view I created for hours staring at every single piece, mesmerizing.

Not forgetting the people I met and befriended along the way is as rewarding.

To sum it all up, my adventure reefing so far has given me pleasure and satisfaction beyond words.

Loving it. :P

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Full Tank Shot (FTS)


1. Figi Turquoise Birdnest
 2. Rasta
 3. True Optics
 4. Jade Green Digitata
5. Blastomussa
6. Lengsy Monti Cap
 7. Golden Cloves
 8. Red Monti Cap

9. MoHawk
 10. German Blue Digitata
 11. Pink Birdnest
 12. German Purple Digitata
 13. Acropora

14. Green Birdnest?

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Updates on soft coral growth

Golden Clove




True Percula Clownfish

Pair of Clownfish

Six-line Wrasse

Yellow Tang

DIY Sump

Blue Prints

1. Overall

2. Sump


1. Overall

2. Front

2. Top

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Major OverHaul

After about 3 months of struggle with water parameter stability, fighting algae & aiptasia, loss in livestocks, twice weekly water change …etc, I had finally succumb… 

I decided to go for a DIY sump. I am hoping to achieve the following.

1. more water = more stable
2. deep sand bed to help reduce nitrate
3. more space for cheato to grow more nutrient export
4. reverse lighting for refugium to maintain stable PH
5. more water flow in display (added a 2000l/hr return pump)